More Bless-ed! Volume Two! Blessing #3- The Blessing of Basking in the Goodness of God! (Part 12)

27 Mar

Blessing #3- The Blessing of Basking in the Goodness of God! (Part 12)

Thank you, Beloved Reader, for following my study of THE GOODNESS OF GOD in preparation for a trip Linda and I will be taking to Ethiopia in August. Our text for this morning is Psalm 23 where we read, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (v. 6).

When I was first saved as a teenager, I memorized that verse from the King James Version. And it said “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” So I thought there would be three things that would follow me all the days of my life: First of all , “surely.” I was not sure what “surely” was, but I was glad it would follow me all the days of my life. Secondly,  “goodness.” And thirdly, “mercy.” I think the more modern translation says there’re two things that will follow me all the days of my life: God’s goodness and his love.

What does it mean that God’s goodness will “follow me” all the days of my life? It is interesting that the verb “follow” is used. It does not say “precede.” It may well be that only after I’ve gone through difficult circumstances, will I be able to see the goodness of God. Doesn’t it mean that if I just open my eyes I will see evidences of His goodness all around me? Doesn’t it mean that I can trust him in every circumstance of life, that though the circumstances may be challenging and difficult, somehow behind everything is his merciful goodness?

We may not immediately see His goodness in our situations of life. But our lack of understanding and imperfect vision do not negate the promise of God’s Word! His goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life! Isn’t that wonderful?

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Posted by on March 27, 2024 in goodness of God


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